Who Did Arthur Meet Today

I have a double entry visa to Thailand. I had to go to Burma to renew another six months on  my visa . After I did this which took all about 20 minutes. A mini van took us from the bus station and dumped us about 100 ft. from the Mai Sai Thai -Burma border. We quickly...

Who did Arthur meet today

This morning as I entered Satava restaurant there was a young ,slender man with long ,light brown hair seated across from my new European woman friend. He turned out to be an interesting young man. At 35 he is rather independently wealthy owning his own IT school and...

Who did Arthur meet today?

I am half way through my breakfast this morning at Satava restaurant where seating is a premium when an European woman asked my permission to sit beside me. I continued eating my breakfast while she introduced herself. She is in Thailand working on a master’s...

Who did Arthur meet today

I sit down to have lunch and look over to my left and see a lovely Korean woman having lunch. I can’t remember my ice breaker line at the moment but it could have been a comment on the delicious pad thai she was enjoying. I had had it a bit earlier myself. Her...

Who did Arthur meet today?

I met her at a veggie restaurant. She was wearing a rather simple but unique dress and I asked her if she had made it her self. She replied that she indeed had make it herself. Two days later we met again in the same restaurant and we began a conversation. I ended up...

Long Term Apartments in Chiang Mai , Thailand

I recently moved to  Mai Mansion  – a huge space with modern bathroom , T.V. microwave, and fridge  down the street from the Y.M.C.A. in Chiang Mai. Previously to this for the past two decades I had been staying -for the most part- near the inner walled city...

Naihimmenin Rd. , Chiang Mai , Thailand

Eleven years ago I attended a ,”Lightworkers ‘ conference at the Rimcone Hotel. At the time there was one modern building in the area-a 7-Eleven store. Now ,there are nearly half dozen coffee shops or restaurants off every block on both sides of the street...