I am half way through my breakfast this morning at Satava restaurant where seating is a premium when an European woman asked my permission to sit beside me. I continued eating my breakfast while she introduced herself.
She is in Thailand working on a master’s degree in Anthropology. The essence of her thesis is the connection between spirituality and healing . She believes that in that pivotal moment of healing people have a spiritual awareness. Along with her academic qualifications she is also a reiki master and a aromatherapist.
She will interview a number of people in a small healing center outside Chiang Mai. She asked me if I were opened to being interviewed . I answered -tongue in cheek (for those who knew me)-that I was quiet and shy but I knew she would be able to pull it out of me.
She left her native country when she was 18 and has been living in England all these years. She finds that England is very opened to alternative healing relative to her native Norway.
It was a delight to chat for her for several hours and I look forward to meeting with her again soon. I feel that sharing with her my experiences and training as a body psychotherapist will enhance the knowledge of her work.
I’m finding on this 21st trip to Thailand that I’m tapping into a community of people who are eager to embrace my experiences of 35 years as a body psychotherapist.
Until tomorrow the best to your health,wealth and friendships.
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