My Happiness Project
Did you know that there are approximately 15000 ex=pats who live in Chiang Mai full time. Some of the residence live here because they can have a have decent quality life style on less than $500.00 a month. Others having planned for a nice retirement live on 4 or five...
My Happiness Project
Before sitting down to write this post I opened up one I had written March 23, 2011 or over one year ago. After reading the posting, I said to myself ,” how much Chiang Mai and my experience of Chiang Mai has changed.” Dada Kafe where I hung out most of...
My Happiness Project
Last night as I was walking home from shopping at the night market I rediscovered one of the three raw food restaurants. It had closed for the evening. I chatted with the owner for a minute. He assured me his business was coming along fine. As I continued walking...
Self Discovery
There is a rather vibrant healing community among the 15 thousand ex-pats living in Chiang Mai. This beautiful city is home to hundreds of experienced and extremely skilled natural healers from all over the world as well as a number of Thai natural healers. I have...
My Happiness Project
Well, technically I did not meet this family in Chiang Mai but in Mai Sai. Yesterday was a day spend going to Burma to extend my visa. While going through the line up at immigration, a Swiss woman- clutching a bright red passport with the white cross on it -traveling...
My Happiness Project
Every traveler that I meet provides me with some degree of education or new information. Recently, however ,I met a young man from Venezuela who totally change my perspective of that country. I now see th president in a new light- the same old corrupt leader...
Self Discovery
My winter stay in Chiang Mai, Thailand has been the most rewarding of the 22 years I have been coming to Thailand. It all started out when I began having breakfast at Satava, restaurant. There I met the most fascinating collection of people. They were from all parts...
My Happiness Project
Today at my favorite restaurant at the moment that I dine at every day I met a wonderful young man from Europe. He was in his early thirties and is on a spiritual odyssey in Asia. In Europe in worked as a Para Medical. He only worked part time therefore he was not...
My Happiness Project
I first met this British man yesterday during lunch. Today he appeared at my new breakfast venue which is across the street from where I’m staying this winter. Mr. J. as I will call him has a science background coupled with a background in English. He married...
My Happiness Project
Today, the first new person I met was a young woman healer from Berlin. I met her at breakfast at Blue Diamond Cafe. She had been living here for the past four years or more. We had a lot of professional agreements in common as we both do body/ mind work. She had to...