Amidst the swirling snow I boarded an Air Canada flight to Tokyo. We had to wait an hour to take off because the plane required de-icing.
I was not looking forward to sitting in a middle seat for the next 13 hours and 10 minutes. I had been unable to contact my normal travel and my new agent did noto t have the experience to obtain an aisle seat for me.
Life has away of giving you an experience you enjoy in spite of what may appear a disaster. I ended up sitting next to a lovely approachable young Japanese lady who never slept so getting up and going to the washroom was easy and I had a lovely seat companion.
On the next leg of the journey between Tokyo and Bangkok , I was to sit between toin two Thai men . I went to the washroom as soon as I had stored my bag on the overhead compartment and when I returned the middle man disappeared never to return to his assigned seat. Thus, I had two seats to curl up on and ended up sleeping five of the seven hours . I arrived in Bangkok quite rested.
The following day I flew business class to Chiang Mai. I’ve never had a lovelier travel companion-a stunning petite brunette. She had a Dr. in optometry and was traveling on business. This was her first trip to Thailand. I reckon it was my 21st trip. on my
An American man I met on a previous trip this year reserved an incredible room- spacious an d quiet in a three year old building. It’s in a section of the city that requires me to walk an hour to my favorite restaurants, health club and massage place. One of my goals this trip is to increase my fitness so this is an enforced workout.
The weather has been rather divine-eternal Spring ,however today it is becoming warmer. We have had rain that has cooled the city. This is rather unusual for this time of the year.
My usual haunts greated me with open arms and one of them gave me a free pineapple, coconut, banana and spriulina drink.
I’m writing this from J.JU coffee shop that was recommended by a Spanish man I met last year. He is in touch with the owner of the cafe. She said he is presently in the Philipines where he has found himself a new lady companion.