Yesterday, I had gone to Greek town Toronto to have lunch. After lunch, my Philipino companion reluctantly dragged me into a shoe store.
For some time now my Glarke sandals have not been serving me well . The velcro strap kept unfastening. Also, the soft springing feeling that was there when I first bought them four hears ago and been absent for some time. I have been meaning to replace them but where to find their replacement was the question. I tried a local shoe store with great disappointment and was rather discouraged.
Yesterday, as I entered the store I saw a pair of Tevas and thought perhaps they might do the trick but being honest with myself I knew that the sole of the sandals did not have any substance to sustain my foot comfortably.
I asked a woman , who turned out to be from the Czech Republic to recommend a pair of comfortable sandal.
She immediately fetched a pair of Rieker sandals. These sandals come from Germany but are made most likely in Moracco I was told.
The moment I took a step with these sandals I knew I had found my quest.
My feet purred in the riekers .
I have a wide foot so I needed a sandal that could be adjusted for width. As a Global traveller I require a light weight sandal that takes up neither weight nor space in my carry on luggage .
Weather it is three days or three months everything I need must fit into one carry on bag so every ounce counts.
Today as i walked about doing my errands I felt so blessed to be experiencing such light, soft and walking on air sandals.
I was very ,very happy and will be for years to come.
Happiness is experiencing pleasure from the simple things of life.
Forget the illusive lottery ticket. At a 14 million to one chance , you have a better chance of being hit by lightning.
Enjoy the small joys of life and in total they will bring you happiness.