Yesterday was a full day filled with some surprises. I went to my dentist to have a filling done . Looking at the source of why I needed a filling , he found the culprit to be a wisdom tooth that was gathering food to decay. His advice was to pull the useless tooth out which we did.
I came home and had my standing Thursday Shiatsu massage appointment. That made me fell a lot better. I do look forward to my Thursday afternoon treatments. They keep my happy each week.
In Thailand it was totally decadent with a two hour Thai massage.
Today I saw that I live -at least most of the time up until now- in the 2nd Happiest country in the world.
I suspect that the pole was taken in the summer time not in mid Feb. where Canada, at least in the east coast is most miserable.
Happiest Countries

2 :: Canada
Self-Reported Health: 2nd
Employees Working Long Hours: 10th
Disposable Income: 8th
Educational Attainment: 6th
Life Expectancy:10th
Last night I joined a business called” ACN”. In essence it is a Global company that is able to offer you utility services at around half the price you are paying now. They deal with energy- electricity and gas, house phones , mobile phone and internet, T.V. channel services, alarm services
I’m immediately happy as I shall soon be saving about 100 bucks a month from my new utility service provider.
The trick is to create a number of sources of passive income so you can totally devote your time to what makes you happy.
For me that means reading, writing, traveling and hanging out with interesting people.
A quick trip to the health food store is in order before it rains and makes me unhappy to be caught in it.
Have a happy weekend everyone.