Today , I met two new people. The first was a Chinese woman from China. Her name is Winnie.
She is 34 years old and owns her own company producing LED lights.
She is staying at my guest house. As I went down stairs to go for an errand she was at a table on her computer.
She had studied biology in University. She talked about how badly some Chinese people feel when foreigners accuse them of eating dogs.
We got into a discussion of it being a big cultural difference between China and say North America.
She is intelligent and very articulate in the English language.She also had a lassez -faire atitude towards life that I liked.

At 6 p.m. I met a woman from France at the Thai massage studio. It was her first Thai massage and for me I have lost count a decade ago. I have been visiting this studio for the past decade.
Her name is Christine. She was a small ,slight woman. I asked her what she did for a living and she told me ,”a welder” just like the woman in the movie ,”Flashdance”.
After the massage we had dinner together at one of my favorite vegetarian restaurants.
We talked how we ate some fish and poultry sometime ,especially in social occasions such as thanksgiving and Christmas time.
She also talked how she needed to change her vocation and work in a more meaningful mileau. She approach two groups , one in thailand and one in Cambodia and offered to make wheel chairs for the disabled but no one has gotten back to her. I told her maybe she could make jewelry . She said she had been exploring that possibility.

Tomorrow , I take a 16 hour bus ride to Laos. Has madness overtaken me. It will be an interesting experience. As for how comfortable it will be it remains to be seen.