On Nov. 5th I depart from Toronto, Canada where I have spend the summer for my 23 winter in Chiang Mai.
Every year I find new and enjoyable changes in Chiang Mai.
During the winter of 2012 a wonderful organic, veggie permaculture restaurant opened down the street from the Y.M.C A.
It immediately became my favourite dining place. It served original dishes that no other restaurant in Chiang Mai was serving.
It also quickly became home to what I call the ,”Conscious Community” in Chiang Mai.
People who did yoga, meditated , ate healthy food were drawn to eating there. Also, a number of people who live on Ashrams in India found this venue refreshing. There is a new visa ruling that stipulates that they leave the country for two whole months every six months even though they have a ten year retirement visa.
Another restaurant nearby sprouted up but I do not frequent it as it’s menu does not offer good value for money Except perhaps some breakfast items.
Charming Cat house relocated but shortly afterwards shut down again.
I discovered I could use the pool in the hotel in the back of Plaza around the corner from Ram Hospital.
For 3 dollars you get a towel and use of a locker and shower. The pool is located outside on the seventh floor. It’s a long pool therefore useful to serious swimmers.
I look forward to seeing what positive changes Chiang Mai has to offer.
I shall share with you dear reader all the changes Chiang Mai has wrought since I was there four months ago.