After four days of rain in Chiang Mai, we had a cloudy but cool day.
Today , hurrah the sun came out and all is well in the Kingdom again.
During this time of the year the sun can become a bit oppressive so the rain is welcome
but after three days it feels like it is overstaying it’s welcome.

April the first is Songran or the rain festival where foreigners are treated to copious
amount of water from various sources and delivered in many manners.

Originally the monks would pour a cup full of water sprinkling it on people.
It has evolved over time to take the form of water cannons and buckets of water
taken from the filthy canal being poured on the Farang (foreigner) with great glee.

During this time a small number of people lose their lives as motorcycle drivers
are blinded by sheets of water and lose control. This is a pity but it never fails year
after year.

I haven’t been here on April 1st for many years but this year I shall be in Chiang Mai for the event.
I’ll keep you posted as to what happens. Perhaps I should not take my computer out that day
as I have lost my last two computers to water damage. I’ve become quite attached to my
new Macbook Air.

Anyhow, I shall keep you posted on how it goes.